



Hello everyone!

I’m Yui Akai.

There ware various events during June.


Firstly, on June 4th was Host Sister’s birthday!

There aren’t difference of birthday much between Japan and Australia.

But, there is an interesting difference.

In Australia everyone shouts out this word after singing the birthday song.

“Hippip! Hurray!! Hippip! Hurray!! Hippip! Hurray!!”

I surprise it at first XD

I gave them some present such as pouch, accessory stand, snacks and bird made with Origami.

And, on June 13th was my birthday!

My host family gave me a chocolate cake and hooded sweatshirt and my friends gave me many snacks.

And, my family and friends who are in Japan sent me a lot of message!

I’m really happy!

I felt I’m always helped by everyone.

My birthday week was also a test week :’-(

It was little bite hard and it made me tired.




On June 22th, we went to the Queensland Museum as an Excursion.

We saw bones of dinosaur, statue of animals and stones.

When I was in Japan I have been to the museum several times.

But, There were various kinds of statues that I see for the first time such as koalas and kangaroos.

On June 29th was our graduation day of High School Preparation Program‼︎

We ate lunch we brought together, we sang songs for each class, screened a picture we took, and so on.

The time passed so fast.

I can’t believe that one term finish already.

I am a bit sad because some friends will go to the other school.

But, I want to do my best at each place.


Thank you for reading at the end!

See you next month.





Yui Akai
