




JETプログラムとは、「語学指導等を行う外国青年招致事業」(The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)の略称で、地方自治体が総務省、外務省、文部科学省及び 一般財団法人自治体国際化協会(CLAIR)の協力の下に実施しているプログラムです。 主に海外の青年を招致し、地方自治体、教育委員会及び全国の小・中学校や高等学校で、 国際交流の業務と外国語教育に携わることにより、地域レベルでの草の根の国際化を推進することを目的としています。



message from teacher


Hello! I’m Erika and I’m an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) from the JET programme here at Seibi Gakuen. I’m from the Philippines and I’ve been teaching here for about two years.

I’ve been having lots of wonderful experiences here at Seibi Gakuen. All of the teachers are genuinely nice and accommodating. Students are cheerful and loving. I always look forward to going to school and interacting with everyone.

Also, there are just so much I love in being here in Japan. I get to travel to beautiful places, meet interesting people and most of all, I get to experience the exquisite Japanese culture.

My goal is to make learning English a fun and positive experience for my students. So let’s enjoy learning English while creating good memories.


My name is Kim Soriano and I am an Assistant Language Teacher teaching at Seibi Gakuen Junior and Senior High School through the JET Program. I began teaching here in 2019 and look forward to meeting you in the coming year if you are a prospective student!

For the last two years, I taught English at a high school in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area of the United States of America. I have found that being a teacher is one of the most fulfilling professions and helping others learn is something that brings me personal joy. I previously worked at a very diverse school with many English language learners and recognize some of the struggles that non-native English speakers may have. I hope that with my experience and guidance, I can help students gain more confidence in their English abilities.
